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Our team

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Are you passionate about supporting schools and communities in advancing climate literacy, and keen to support, engage, empower and inspire children to choose to take climate action?  Would you like to join our small, yet ambitious charity?  

No job vacancies at the moment - but do check back here again!

Founder and Director

Katrina Judge founded Young Climate Warriors in February 2019.  'I felt compelled to convert my feelings into actions and channel my energies into a venture to try and help combat climate change.' 


Prior to having children Katrina worked as a management consultant on assignments including: the London Government Sustainable Communities strategy and the Mayor's Transport Strategy. She then undertook a Masters in Environmental Change and subsequently worked with ClimateCare, a carbon offsetting business. She has been involved in Greener Henley community initiatives, and is a Judge for the Henley Schools Environmental Science Competition.   


Katrina loves running in the countryside, thinks being able to harness the sun’s power to create electricity is fantastic, and her children get a bit fed up of cabbage and curly kale. 

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Schools Manager

Kate Hudson joined Young Climate Warriors in January 2025 and helps organise the Climate Change Assemblies.

She is passionate about the environment and nature. While working as a primary school teacher, and particularly seeing her class in forest school sessions, she noticed that children have an amazing, innate curiosity and love for the natural world.  She was even more inspired to see how enthusiastic children of all ages were about protecting our planet and wanting to make a difference.  She is now very excited to help empower even more children to take action through Young Climate Warriors.

Kate loves running and walking, and is much happier when she can avoid using the car and get somewhere on two feet.  

Natalie Williams joined Young Climate Warriors in January 2025 as the Outreach Advisor.

Natalie has a background in Education, having held the positions of Assistant Headteacher and Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator. She is extremely passionate about the role of education in helping to empower children to be the change our planet needs and is excited to bring her teaching and learning knowledge to this role.

In her spare time, Natalie loves being on stage as part of her musical theatre society’s shows as well as going for long walks with her family. 

Outreach Advisor

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Funding Manager

Benji joined Young Climate Warriors in October 2022 to help with Climate Ambassador recruitment, going on to help with corporate outreach and impact analysis, before becoming YCW's Funding Manager in 2025.


Having always had a passion for nature and sustainable living, Benji has been volunteering on organic farms and smallholdings in the UK and Europe since graduating from university. Travelling around in his self-converted camper van, he is learning as much as he can about regenerative and sustainable forms of agriculture, enjoying getting his hands muddy while hoping to help heal the earth. 


In his free time, loves any outdoors activity (surfing, climbing, hiking, to name a few), spending time in the garden, reading and playing guitar.

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​Amélie Bankes joined Young Climate Warriors as a Social Media Officer in October 2023. 


Amélie is currently at university studying Geography and Modern History and will graduate in 2025. She is writing her dissertation in History on piracy in the Caribbean during the post-Spanish succession era with a focus on colonial policy. On the Geography side of her degree, she predominately focuses on cultural geography- particularly in relation to climate activism. She has worked as an ambassador for the Royal Geographical Society and is a keen member of her university Geography society. 


Amélie enjoys baking, reading and travelling and hopes to one day visit all seven continents! 


Social Media Officer

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Social Media Officer

James Dicker joined Young Climate Warriors as a Climate Ambassador in December 2022, and has since also become a Social Media Officer.


James has recently graduated from King’s College London, where he studied Geography with Data Science. His studies mainly focused on environmental politics, global climate action, and urban areas. Since graduating, James has started his working in energy and environmental policy, and hopes to continue a career related to the environment.


In his free time James loves socialising with friends, running and making home-made kombucha!


Sarah Austin joined Young Climate Warriors as a Trustee in June 2023. ‘I have been fortunate to meet many incredible young people that have refreshingly honest questioning minds. These future planet caretakers are full of potential, initiative, and passion, often woven together with humour, creativity, and empathy.’

Sarah has worked in event management and class teaching, but now divides her time between specialist 1-2-1 tutoring and as a project officer connecting families, young people, and communities with the green spaces around them.

Being outdoors is where Sarah feels most at home, does some of her best thinking and loudest singing when she thinks no-one is listening. She loves open water swimming in rivers and lakes which both terrifies and excites her all at once.



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Nicole Finnan is an experienced board director and Film/TV Executive with over 25 years experience in the creative industries. She is the Managing Director of Caryn Mandabach Productions, the producer behind the smash hit TV series Peaky Blinders.  She has previously held Managing Director, Finance and Commercial Director roles at Film and TV production companies and has executive produced numerous feature films and television dramas.


Nicole is an expert in corporate governance having recently completed the FT non-executive Director (level 7) diploma. Nicole is an accountant by training and started her career at KPMG. She is passionate about fighting climate change and about informing the young generations to empower them to enact positive environmental change.


Lynne Allen joined Young Climate Warriors in September 2021 to help with administration and communications.


Lynne has a science background and she spent years working in the pharmaceutical industry, but having children and thinking about their future changed her focus and priorities. She is now passionate about the environment and is excited to be able to support teachers and help empower children to make difference.


Lynne loves baking, yoga, walking in the woods, and taking her children on adventures.

Administration and Communications Manager

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Ambassador Administrator


Lucy joined Young Climate Warriors in February 2025 to help with Ambassador administration.


She has a Degree in English Literature and an administration background in the engineering sector. 

Lucy believes that Climate Change is the most important challenge of our time, effecting everything from ecosystems to the economy. Thinking about her children’s future has led to an increased awareness of the responsibility of her generation to do all they can to educate and drive change for good. 

Lucy feels passionate about what Young Climate Warriors is achieving and is excited to be part of the effort to make things better for future generations. 


Lucy loves running, baking and days out with her family.

Sarah Hagger-Holt joined Young Climate Warriors in 2025 as the Duke of Edinburgh programme manager.

Sarah has worked for international development charities, as both a campaigner and a communications officer., producing materials and training for churches, schools and individuals to help them learn more and take action on tackling climate change, living more simply and sustainable development. She was also fortunate enough to take a group of volunteers to Paris in 2015 to campaign around the UN climate negotiations.

Sarah is also an award-winning children's author, writing for young teens, and to relax she enjoys cooking and reading.

DofE Manager

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Funding Strategy Manager

Helen Joined Young Climate Warriors in March 2025 as Funding Strategy Manager.

Having completed a degree in Psychology, Helen has worked in the charity sector for over 13 years. She has worked across all areas of fundraising from organising large scale fundraising events to working with companies and Individuals. She also works part time as a teaching assistant and is excited about using her experience in both the education and charity sectors to further the work of Young Climate Warriors.

When she’s not running around after her two children, Helen enjoys dancing and musical theatre. She is a member of her local theatre group and has performed in many shows such as Oliver, Evita and My Fair Lady. She also enjoys getting out and walking when the sun is shining!

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Communications Admin Support 

​Kate Gibson joined Young Climate Warriors in as communications admin support in October 2024. 


Kate is currently at university in Leeds studying Human Geography, and hoping to do a year in industry in September 2025. Her studies focus on humanitarian aid and the effect of climate change on natural hazards and migration. She is part of the geography society at Leeds. 


Kate loves rugby - watching and playing, and is currently training to become a rugby coach. She also loves cooking and reading.



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Sam Mead joined Young Climate Warriors as a trustee in 2023. 


After completing a degree in Zoology, Sam has worked in the charitable sector for the last 9 years. His role has involved coaching and supporting organisations to deliver lasting and sustainable social change. This has focused primarily on impact management, measurement, programme design and change management. Having recently completed a Masters in Sustainable Development, Sam is passionate about inspiring the next generation of change makers in society. 


On the weekends you'll probably find Sam out and about with his family, enjoying time out in the great outdoors. When he has the time you might see him chasing a cricket ball around the local park or looking for his golf ball somewhere in the forest.



Mark Fisher joined Young Climate Warriors as a trustee in 2023.


Originally a lawyer, Mark has worked in sustainability for over 20 years, advising companies on reporting and governance, including how to focus on activities that reduce negative environmental impacts, whilst delivering enhanced social benefits. He has seen lots of changes in behaviour but remains committed to driving further action.


As a father to three teenagers, Mark can often be found on the touchline at weekends, and still sometimes playing team tennis. Injury has meant less time on the court this year, and Mark has also had to spend less time gardening; the resulting ‘rewilding’ has led to significant wildlife benefits this year – a lesson for us all!






Tom is an ICAEW qualified accountant and treasury manager at HSBC bank, with a background working in financial regulation, corporate governance and risk management at the Bank of England. 


Tom is based in North London, loves travel, the outdoors and is big brother to 5 younger siblings! Tom enjoys contributing his skills and supporting YCW’s exciting mission as treasurer. 

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Some of our Young Climate Warrior Ambassadors:

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