Happy New Year! January’s an exciting time to think afresh, make plans for the year and dream up ideas. Imagine what we could achieve!Whilst sploshing in the puddles, listening to wild birds, marvelling at shoots pushing through the earth, sitting on a car journey, or relaxing on a sofa - what little things can you think up that can help us look after our planet?
To kick off 2022 – can you think of your favourite way to help ‘combat climate change’? You could choose from one of the ideas below – or you could come up with a fresh new idea of your own. We’d love to hear what you would like to do!!!‘Scribble it down’, ‘pop it on a post-it’, ‘stick it on the mirror’, ‘sing it in the shower’, ‘draw it on a bookmark’ – we’re sure you have lots of ingenious ways to help you remember it!! Don’t forget to HIT THE RED BUTTON and share your idea with other Young Climate Warriors!
It’s Our Climate, and Our Future, we can’t fix our planet’s climate on our own, but we can definitely help make a difference. Do you remember COP26 back in November 2021? Lots of pledges were made – by world leaders, business leaders … and … over 300 by Young Climate Warriors!! Did you make one? You can see them on the YCW gallery, and social media pages. (These pledges were made as part of the Forest of Promises project.)
This January David Attenborough has released a new series – The Green Planet. Would you like to relax and snuggle up with a blanket - like a hedgehog just stirring from hibernation – and learn more about why we, at Young Climate Warriors, are helping to protect and repair our planet? Prepare to be captivated and enthralled by the incredible world of plants - here’s the trailer – the first episode is now available on BBC iPlayer.
In 2022, help us let your voice be heard - email us – ‘HIT THE RED BUTTON’ - to let us know when you have completed this challenge.