An hour … 60 minutes … 3,600 seconds … could 1 Hour change the world? What about if millions of people in over 190 countries were all working as part of THE SAME TEAM … imagine what we could achieve then!
This Saturday – 23rd March @ 8.30 pm (local time) join this global initiative celebrating Earth Hour - the ‘BIGGEST HOUR FOR EARTH’. It’s a time to switch our lights off together and spend 60 minutes learning about, or engaging with, our natural world. (If 8.30 pm is a bit too late, maybe do part of it, or have your own Earth Hour earlier in the day?)
What will you choose to do whilst your lights are off? Have a special candle-lit meal of seasonal produce – and maybe talk about your favourite animals, or play an animal-based game? Share some wonderful poems about our natural world – or even write your own? Turn up the radio and have a kitchen disco – you could dance like different animals? Do some candle-lit colouring, whilst listening to some relaxing music – here are some free animal colouring pages? Play charades with a twist – act out different YCW carbon-busting challenges? Read a book about animals - by torchlight! How about a quiz … here are some excellent WWF quizzes. If you’re feeling more adventurous – wrap up warm and go outside and see the stars, or if it’s cloudy listen out for nocturnal animals or birds. Wow … and these are just a few ideas … what brilliant opportunities there are for things to do in just one hour – with the lights off!
But maybe an hour, is more than just ‘an hour’? Could it be the spark we need for change? Maybe actually it’s ‘an hour’ of feeling united across cities, countries, and continents, thinking about what we all have in common, and what we all love. Maybe a single Earth Hour can create a domino effect (maybe you could have played dominoes!) continuing beyond the 60 minutes? Maybe it’s ‘an hour ’ to remind us that time is precious, but that we are powerful as part of the SAME TEAM? What do you think?
How does it feel to be part of a global environmental movement? The ‘power of the hour, for a nature-positive world’. When you’ve switched your lights off, alongside millions of other families around the world – remember to HIT THE RED BUTTON! - and let us know what you got up to during Earth Hour 2024 – the ‘BIGGEST HOUR FOR EARTH’. Your parents might like to follow what’s happening around the world - @earthhour, @earthhourofficial, #earthhour, #BiggestHourForEarth